Can I DIY an Epoxy Floor?

You’ve heard the stories about epoxy floors. Bob down the street says he installed an epoxy floor in his garage and he’s never been happier. Jim on the next block says “Oh, man, don’t do that, you’ll be sorry!”

So, what’s the truth?

Bob and Jim are both right. But we’re betting that Bob had his floor professionally installed, and Jim tried to do it himself.

Epoxy floors are usually installed over existing concrete, and if done properly, can enhance the appearance of the floor in your garage, your basement, or wherever else you happen to install it. Done wrong, and you’ll be like Jim – sorry.

The thing about epoxy floors is that there are two types – the kind that’s installed by professional contractors, and the type that you do on your own with supplies and assistance from places like Home Depot. The DIY version is nowhere near as durable as the professional grade – it’s actually more of a paint that you put over your existing concrete, whereas professionally installed epoxy floors bond with the concrete to create a surface that’s incredibly durable. It’s not apples to apples.

You could do it yourself, and you’d save a few bucks. Or you could bring in a contractor, pay a bit more, and not have to look at your floor in a few years and think to yourself, “I really should do something about that.”

A professionally installed epoxy floor will serve you well for a long time, even if it sees a lot of heavy traffic. So if you use your garage to park your car, as opposed to having it serve as a man-cave, you’ll be glad to know that professionally installed epoxy garage floors will withstand the heat from your tires. A DIY floor might peel, but when installed and prepared correctly, a professional epoxy floors will stand up to peeling, cracking and staining.

You’ll also find that with the DIY variety, you won’t get a whole lot of choice when it comes to color. With professionally installed epoxy garage floors, you can select from a virtually limitless variety of designs and patterns. You can even add flakes and chips if you want a flecked effect. You can also stain or stencil (and that’s DEFINITELY not a job you want to try on your own).

The final word? Do it yourself if you’re feeling adventurous. But if you want a floor you’ll be proud of, leave it to the pros.